One of the most popular questions I get asked: “HOW CAN I FORCE MYSELF?” (run, train, count what I eat...)
My answer is: “NO WAY!” :)
Of course, you can force yourself, but it’s definitely “not for long.” “Forcing yourself” will never become a way of life.
Until you come to an agreement with yourself and realize all the benefits of a new lifestyle, habits will stick “on the snot” and fly away at the first opportunity.
When the benefits of actions become completely obvious, so much so that it is simply ridiculous NOT to do so, and a forced break (illness, departure...) will only cause a desire to return as soon as possible: eat as usual, train productively... Then - HURRAY! Congratulations, you have moved to a new level!
There are people who run for hours, climb a mountain, work out their muscles in the gym... Their attention is held, they are interested! However, if you consider the reason why they started doing this: losing weight, pumping up their shoulders, learning self-defense.
What matters is why are they still doing this?!
Because after the obvious benefits, these people experienced something more. A process that makes them different people, and not just physically!
But in order to “get into” this process and get a big profit, you need not only to try, but also to devote a lot of time and effort to it.
When they ask me the question, “how can I force myself?” I say, “Okay, don’t want to go to training? Just go to the gym, just change clothes. Not in the mood for strength training? Ok, just ride a bike to the podcast! It's better than nothing!...”
This is not the best example, but it clearly shows what I'm talking about. It takes time to “get into it.”
Heavy smokers also did not immediately smoke a pack a day. Everyone started playing around with one...
Yes, “being in shape” is an addiction, like all our other habits. There are some that are beneficial for our well-being and those that are not. Those that are “not quite” can be rewritten and replaced with useful ones... Alas! It takes time and effort! Believe me, your life is worth it! ?
I also dream that the “man of the future” will perceive sport as an absolute necessity, like brushing your teeth!??
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